Friday, February 7, 2014

Great way to stay motivated and track your weight loss

Here are some valuable tips to stay motivated and track your weight loss:

1. Track your progress:    
 When you decide to lose weight, calculate first how much weight you want t lose. Then write a goals list. Write in a journal the weight you want to lose, and when do you want to have it lost by. Write a journal while you are trying to lose weight and eat healthy food again; writing a journal is a vital and therapeutic tool to stay on track with your goals. But don't forget to "celebrate" each pound you lose. Treat yourself to a manicure or facial. Maybe there is a book you always wanted to read. Buy it when you have lost the first two pounds.

2. Stay connected to people:  
When I have planned and organized a big project, I let my friends know that I will be busy for a while. But I will stay in contact by sending them emails, keeping them informed how I progress with my project. I might even stay in touch with the odd phone call. Never break off contact with your friends just because you have something important to do. Good friends are for life!                                                 

3. Look forwards rather than backwards: 
Don't dwell on your experiences with diets in the past. The chances are if you need to lose weight now, they weren't right for you. Whilst it’s probably easy to find examples of times when you've felt demotivated with your diet in the past, given up and quickly regained those lost pounds, this doesn't mean it’s guaranteed to happen this time. Thinking negatively will almost certainly result in you giving up. So instead, put past dieting failures behind you and instead focus on the success that lies ahead.

4. Find a buddy:     
Whatever goal you have, you might want to find someone who shares the same goal with you. Let's stick with the weight loss goal. Think about a friend, a colleague, a neighbor or even a family member who might want to lose weight too. She might find it difficult to stay on track doing the weight loss programme on her own. Team up with her and achieve and celebrate your achievements together. If you can't find a buddy from within your circle of friends, join a self-help group. Self-help groups are a wonderful opportunity to exchange experiences, to find a buddy and to do networking at the same time.

5. Make affirmations:   
Take a few minutes and write down affirmations that you can read every morning when you get up and in the evenings before you go to bed. You can create a vision board with affirmations. You can cut them out of magazines or write them on little post-its. Another option is to write those affirmations into your journal so that you can read them whenever you feel like it. Here are some examples of affirmations: I love my body. I enjoy exercise daily. I take responsibility for what I eat. I am thin and attractive.                                              
6.  Do some maths :    
If the motivation to lose weight can be sliding, dig out a pen and paper and seek to add up all the hours you've spent in the last month worrying about things including:
  • your  weight                                                                                                                                                  
  • your shape                                                                                                                                                 
  •  what you eat /what you don’t eat                                                                                                                
  •  how you look in your clothes                                                                                                                       
  • anything else that’s linked to your size                                                                                                       
  •    feeling guilty about not exercising                                                                                                               
  •   whether people are looking at you                                                                                                               
  •   if your health is suffering


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