Saturday, February 15, 2014

7 Ways To Burn More Calories:

Hey guys, below are 7 small tips that will help revive and increase your metabolism and have you burning more calories in no time. Weight loss will be much quicker and easier by increasing your metabolic rate.  

1) Eat Dark Chocolate

I know it sounds crazy but it’s very true. Dark chocolate has the ingredient caffeine which is a metabolism booster. Eating 1-2 squares every now and then will revive your metabolism. Remember, don’t go crazy on this one and eat a whole bar. You don’t want to spike your blood sugar levels.

2) Eat Little and Often

Consuming small meals every 3-4 hours will keep your metabolism burning faster than larger, less frequent meals. Eating small more frequently will keep your body working consistently to digest and absorb food.
3) Move More

People who are sedentary (no or little physical activity) burn far less calories than those who are constantly moving. By simply taking every opportunity to move you can make a huge difference to the number of calories you burn. These small movements will add up over time. Here are a few things you could do:

Stand up
Walk up the stairs instead of taking the lift
Tap your feet
Use the restroom on another floor
Park in the furthest spot of the parking lot
Move your head from side to side
Tense and relax your muscles

5) Adding weights to your workout

Including weights in your workout will increase your metabolism in many different ways. Lifting weights during exercise will build muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, so it doesn't only burn calories when in use but it also requires calories when resting. Don’t worry, you don’t have to look like the Hulk. Adding weights or high intense workouts should do the trick.

6) Spice up

Eating hot spices speeds up your metabolism. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon everyday can help boost metabolism. This will also keep blood sugar levels in check. If you can’t stand the thought of cinnamon in your morning cup of tea or coffee, Spice up with cayenne or crushed red pepper.
6) Drink Cold Water

Your body uses more calories trying to raise the cold water temperature to our body temperature. Also drinking lots of water will help your body’s metabolic processes burn quicker.

7) Eat more protein

Protein needs a much more complex chemical breakdown by your body in order for your body to digest it and use it as fuel. If you include protein in every meal you will up the number of calories you burn during the day.

1 comment:

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