Monday, March 17, 2014


DAY 1 :   10 sit ups   10 crunches  DAY 2 :   20 sit ups   15 crunches  DAY 3 :   5   sit ups   20 crunches  DAY 4 :   10 sit ups   25 crunches  DAY 5 :    5  sit ups   10 crunches  DAY 6 :   15 sit ups   30 crunches  DAY 7 :   20 sit ups   35 crunches  DAY 8 :   30...


DAY 1 :  25 squats DAY 2 :  30 squats DAY 3 :  35 squats DAY 4 :  40 squats DAY 5 :  20 squats DAY 6 :  50 squats DAY 7 :  55 squats DAY 8 :  60 squats DAY 9 :  RESET DAY DAY 10 :  25 squats DAY 11 :  65 squats DAY 12 :  70 squats DAY 13 :   5  squats DAY 14 :  10 squats DAY 15  :...


/ / / DAY 1 :  15 push ups DAY 2 :  16 push ups DAY 3 :  17 push ups DAY 4 :  18 push ups DAY 5 :  19 push ups DAY 6 :   20push ups DAY 7 :   21 push ups DAY 8 :  RESET DAY DAY 9 :   23  push ups DAY 10 :  24 push ups DAY 11 :  25 push ups DAY 12 :  26 push ups DAY 13 :  27 push ups DAY...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

bad effect of lack of drinking water

If you're a little drinking water, expect the following Forgetting Loss of ability to control body temperature Kidney stones Loss of balance Dry skin and mouth and eyes Fatigue and lack of activity Dyschezi...

Are you progressing in the sport of bodybuilding?

Are you progressing in the sport of bodybuilding Many players do not believe they are making progress in the sport of bodybuilding Abdan and experience in the different training programs and job -hopping tips and unimportant But there are some mistakes fall out Are you really not progressing ? Many players do not know they are applying because they do not do this by measuring progress Judgment too early The judge yourself at the beginning of...

5 exercises to flatten the abdominal muscles easily

5 exercises to flatten the abdominal muscles easily  a lot of girls and women at a young age  are suffering from the accumulation of fat around the abdomen , either because of the increased weight or as a result of pregnancy and childbirth that cause the appearance of the abdomen A, the rumen is clearly a result of the expansion of the abdomen throughout the nine months of pregnancy and therefore difficult to get rid of belly fat and...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Best 10 Tips for high Fitness

Follow the following tips gives you more of a perfect body and fitness in the face of body fat and non- Agile . 1) the beginning of the exercise and preservation : Start exercises without hesitation , but maintained at the level of the exercises , the system will be in the beginnings of a better and more productive. 2) Inspiration : excelled with respect to exercise , and practice through tables and new ways . 3) Diversity: avoid the boredom...

Diet To Keep Fit Even If You Rarely Play Sports

...........Diet to keep fit even though you rarely play sports....... A lot of people complain about the lack of time for exercise Lobel contrast, do not want the high weight and illnesses obesity and inactivity etc. Today there is a solution with the lunch program is not strict But it will protect you from injury, disease, obesity And an increase in weight Breakfast : Piece of cheese or yellow 2 egg whites Cup of natural orange juice cup of...

Drinks help you burn fat

................... Drinks help you burn fat ................. Removal and burning of body fat and weight loss needs to eat a specific diet , and interest in eating healthy foods , which is why in this thread I decided to write about juices help to burn fat and lose weight . Drinks will help you burn fat Green Tea Green tea is one of the main sources rich in antioxidants , First, it strengthens the immune system , as it increases the metabolic...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Total Abs Workout

Total Abs Workout /// 20 bicycle crunches      20 secondes reset 30 second plank     20 secondes reset 40 mountain climbers 20 secondes reset 30 raised knee crunches 20 secondes reset 20 russian twists 20 secondes reset 12 jack-knife sit ups 20 secondes rese...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

fit your mind before your body

Is Your Mind Stopping Your Body from Getting Fit? yes it is the only thing standing between you and getting fit is your mind so start working out and stop sleeping Stop doubting the process Fight Giving Up and you will get there ...

How To Stay Motivated While Losing Weight !

Look at yourself in the mirror everyday and visualize anyone being slim and trim that you simply always wanted. Look at before and after pictures. Internet is flooded with these kind of pictures; a simple search at Google will take thousands of results. Watch fitness and exercise related Tv programs every day. After looking at people hitting the gym and eating healthy, it might encourage someone to do the same.       Create...

Saturday, March 8, 2014

10 ways to lose weight

1)Choose Liquid Calories Wisely 2)Eat Breakfast Every Day 3)Switch to Lighter Alternatives 4)Close the Kitchen at Night 5)Eat More Produce 6)Control Your Environments Another straightforward strategy to aid reduce unhealthy calories would be to handle the environment -- everything from stocking the kitchen together with many nutritious selections for you to selecting the right eateries. Actually avoiding your lure simply by staying away from all-you-can-eat...

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