Thursday, March 13, 2014

Are you progressing in the sport of bodybuilding?

Are you progressing in the sport of bodybuilding
Many players do not believe they are making progress in the sport of bodybuilding
Abdan and experience in the different training programs and job -hopping tips and unimportant

But there are some mistakes fall out

Are you really not progressing ?
Many players do not know they are applying because they do not do this by measuring progress

Judgment too early
The judge yourself at the beginning of training in the first month or second you are not progressing

Tips players Mahtervien
May be helpful , but often do not benefit because it measures the matter on himself
Training method may not suit you or you are not up to that Training phase yet
Because the sport of bodybuilding relies on the continuous construction and sequential stages

The bodybuilders such as train
If I saw the train as it moves from the station so you understand my purpose you start slowly
And increases with time, perhaps more than the first month kilogram of muscle , and the second month
What kilo and a half months to reach the 7 and 8 you can be more than 4 kilograms of muscle

We wish everyone success in the sport wonderful


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